Wednesday, May 12, 2010

After Three Years of Silence Young Mute Shouts: “Mom, Deep Purple Sucks The Big One!”

Doctor claims: “It’s a miracle!”
BANGUS COUNTY — Young Bradley Fowler sits in front of the television smiling and laughing with his friends at the crazy antics of Spongebob Squarepants. It’s a happy day. The house booms with laughter from friends, family and well-wishers. Cheryl Fowler puts the finishing touches on a Spongebob Squarepants chocolate cake, shooing away a group of kids as they try to get in a sneaky little lick from the side of the triple layer treat. It’s been four days since young Bradley Fowler uttered his first few words since that fateful day three years ago when a traumatic experience left him mute and quite unreasonable.
 “He just stopped talking. We couldn’t do anything. The doctors couldn’t do anything. We cried. It was a dark time for all of us,” Cheryl says, tearing up while pouring out impossibly blue Koolaid into tiny paper cups. “We prayed and prayed for Bradley to talk again.” Bradley screams out for more dill pickle chips.
 “And our prayers were answered. That’s the sound of an angel. It truly is a miracle.” Cheryl wipes a tear and runs to the living room with a fresh bag of chips.
 Bradley was age 5 when he viewed a Very Special Kenny Rogers Christmas on television. Then Bradley just stopped talking. “No amount of counseling did any good for our precious little angel. He just stared. Kenny Rogers really messed with his mind. He stared and colored in his doodle books.”
 That all changed May 3rd as Cheryl and Bradley's father, Chuck watched with the rest of Canada and millions of people worldwide as Deep Purple performed on television for the Alberta Landslide Victim’s Relief Concert. Chuck, a lifelong fan of the rock supergroup took the two weeks leading up to the show off on sick leave, staying in the house and drinking copious amounts of Old Milwaukee and rocking out to some of his favorite Deep Purple albums.
Cheryl recalls: “Chuck was drunk but in a happy way. Not like some other people who get ugly when they drink. So, we were watching the television and Bradley was just staring like he does. He did some colouring earlier but he stopped and was staring at the television. And when Deep Purple came on that’s when it happened.”
 According to Cheryl, Chuck passed out from all the excitement and revelry leading up to Deep Purple taking the stage and she, not being a very big fan of the genre was absently chewing her nails just hoping Chuck would stay asleep. Bradley shouted:
“Holy shit, mom! Deep Purple really sucks the big one!” Cheryl told Bangus Online that she just couldn’t believe it. “I thought maybe I nodded off, but then he said it again and it was a miracle. I forgot how beautiful his voice was. Sure, I wish his first few words were not as offensive, but he’s talking again and it’s all thanks to the miraculous healing powers of Deep Purple.’