Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May I have a bailout please?

Hello. Yes. Who can I speak to about a bailout? Well, the thing is I've been laid off for a bit, and you know, I have a family, mortgage and some pretty serious credit card debt. No, please, hang on, let me finish. I've been laid of for nine months for reason's beyond my control. I'm a good worker. Worked 22 years for the same company. Since the layoff I've had to go through my RRSPs hoping things would come around. Now, the internet says the recession is over. But not for me. Maybe they forgot about me? I don't know. It's not like I've been travelling the world and missed the call to come back to work. See? Now, I'd like a bailout please. Believe me, it's not easy asking for one, I'm proud, but it's not like I'd be the first one. Excuse me? What do you mean I can't get a bail out? Sure I can. Banks are getting bail outs, car companies and all these businessess are getting bailouts. Hydro debt forgiveness for Christ's sake.I'm helping Hydro get out of the whole and they've turned off my power six days ago!! Now see here, I'd like one to. Look, if Greece can get a helping hand, why can't I? My pension funds have tanked. It's really getting .... hold on, let me finish - stop interrupting me. No. Wait. I'm sorry? I called where? The Bangus County Animal Clinic? Sorry about that but since I have you on the phone, my schnauzer has the shits. He ate a tar ball. Some idiot sold me one and I thought I could resell it on Kijiji to help pay the phone bill.