Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bangus 666 - Fire, Ambulance, Police or Dial-a-Bottle

“666. What is the nature of your emergency?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yes! Thai. Thai.”
“Sir, what’s wrong? Is there something wrong with your tie?”
“Yes! Thai.”
“Sir, are you choking? Are you having trouble breathing? Is your airway constricted in any way?”
“Thai! Thai.”
“Sir, I can’t help you if you don’t help me help you so please help me to help you by helping me out a little. Sir?”
“Yes! Thai.”
“Tie? What about your goddamn tie?”
“Sir, you’re really pissing me off.”
“Yes. Thai.”
(To other operator) “This guy’s just saying “tie” over and over. I think it might be a joke.”
“Yes. I know. Tie, tie, tie.”
“Yes. Thai.”