Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm selling my Steve Perry pants - serious enquiries only!

Hey. I thought it would be cool to walk around Bangus County in the new pants I scored on ebay. They were a total value. Actually, I bought four pair. According to the seller, the jeans - a high-waisted denim with a 32 inch waist, once belonged to Journey frontman, Steve Perry. Well, I still have terrible dreams of Steve Perry prancing around in high, tight jeans and figured what better way to confront these demons than to buy the pants and, well, I dunno really. To be honest, I don't know what the hell I was thinking as I seldom think things out, but Elvis said one time when he was still breathing (heavily) to walk a mile in one's shoes before judging, so maybe I figured that this would be kind of like the same thing. Some type of therapy. I wore them to go buy milk. They didn't fit me as well as they fit Mr. Perry, who is taller and evidently quite slim. I couldn't button them up so I had to wear them unbottoned and fully unzipped. Some of the cool kids hanging out front of Giant Tiger whistled at me as I left. It was a mocking whistle, not the sincere kind of whistle of approval. Anyway, if anyone out there wants to wear Steve Perry's denim pants circa 1982, I'm giving the bastards away.