Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pissed-off woman takes out full two page ad in newspaper showing a picture of her husband’s misshapen genitalia. Paper claims they thought it was a strange peanut!

BANGUS COUNTY - A Bangus County woman is pleased with the results she is getting from a paid ad she placed in the Bangus County Gazette. Sheena Easton, 36  placed the ad to embarrass her husband Eric, after making a "terrible scene" at her best friend’s wedding.

“Eric was acting like a total dick,” she states. “He was pounding back wine coolers, and I dunno, I guess he thought he was some kind of heartthrob, but he was just being a real macho pain in the ass. When I asked him to cool it, he made a joke about me PMSing. So that night I took a picture of his ‘willy’ and after some patch Photoshop work, placed it in the paper looking to trade it for a 1978 Camero.”

The daily paper with a circulation of thirty thousand people around the tri-Bangus County area claims they had no knowledge that the picture was of Eric’s genitalia . Editor Nathan Jiggs, states that the picture looks like a "strange peanut of some assortment", but that had the paper known in advance of the exact explicit nature of the photo, they would have probably ran it anyway as ad revenue is down 600% over the last two years.