Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Man Left Bitter and Charred After Being Torched by Angel

Bangus County — Justin Devau still has the scars to prove it. Horrible, nasty angry scars running down both arms, neck and throat. He’s in a terrible state. The room carries with it the strong scent of a burn remedy passed down to Justin from his great-grandmother. “I can’t believe it’s not butter,” Justin says with just a hint of irony. The house is cluttered with the dozens of goodwill bouquets bought by family, friends and a member of parliament.

“I never figured I’d be torched by an angel. I didn’t actually believe in angels before this. I knew that Josef Mengela was called the Angel of Death but other than that? Shit. I’m not even Catholic, so why an angle would even mess with me is kind of baffling. This angel had a mean streak a mile wide. I can tell you that she sure was no Della Rees.”