Friday, May 28, 2010

Bangus Book of the Day

Salvation on Sand Mountain - Snake Handling and Redemption in Southern Appalachia

What would it be like to intentionally handle a poisonous serpent? Why would a person do that and would it change them? Dennis Covington answers these questions and many more in recounting his personal journey into a world where snake handling, its ridicule, mortal danger, and ecstasy, is an accepted part of a religious practice—a fundamentalist way of self-transformation in the name of Jesus Christ. A freelance journalist, Covington's interest had been piqued when he read of a preacher arrested for the attempted murder of his wife by making her put her hands in a box filled with poisonous serpents. He headed off to Scottsborough, Alabama, to cover the trial, but soon found himself attending church services with snake-handling preachers and their parishioners.

The Gurdjieff Journal - Fourth Way Perspective