Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Bangus Conversation with Stephen Hawking

BANGUS ONLINE - While in Bangus County to be honored by the Bangus Chamber of Commerce at the World Science Festival, celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking sat down for an interview with famed Bangus emu - Edward.

The open air interview touched on everything from the mysteries of the universe to the definition of God. When asked by Edward the Emu about the biggest mystery he'd like solved, Hawking replied, "I want to know why the universe exists, why there is something greater than nothing."

And because every answer from Hawking is a complex and fascinating reply, we felt every answer deserved special attention. So in today's Conversation, hear more from Edward's interview with Hawking. How does he reconcile the idea of religion and science? And what does he think are the best and worst decisions of our generation?

Also hear from Hawking's daughter, Lucy, who shares what she thinks her father's greatest accomplishments have been. Lucy also shares stories of her father's sly sense of humor and great capacity to overcome obstacles that would topple the average man. The full interview will be  available for podcast tomorrow. Other celebrities in attendance, Brooks and Dunn and BBC celebrity Jonathan Ross.