Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rees Goes Back in Time to August 17th 2010 - A much simpler time and so forth

Where: London, UK
What: Doctor’s worry that Lady Gaga condition may be contagious.

Lady Gaga is currently suffering from a sexually transmitted disease that leads to her creative impulses leaking from her genitals during intercourse. Doctors in London, UK now fear that the disease has spread to British performer Elton John and he may be losing his creative forces through unprotected sex. Said one doctor “He really hasn’t done anything good since Benny and the Jets”

Where: Kenya, Africa
What: Women’s liberation indicators up in African Country.

The tiny African nation of Kenya is making leaps and bounds in women’s equality according to a survey conducted last month. The rate of Women-owned business improved to 15% of businesses while the incidence of savage domestic assault declined to only 80% of households.

Where: Asia
What: 3D porn film in the works in Japan

Moviegoers in Tokyo Japan will soon be able to enjoy a 3D pornographic film when shooting is completed in a few days. Viewers will be issued special 3D goggles to view the action. Those opting to view the hardcore version will also be given a gasmask and raincoat.

Where: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
What: Samba dancer charged with decency.

Officials at the Rio de Janeiro samba parade say that they have asked police to charge a samba dancer with decency. The charges specifically state that the dancer’s private parts were covered with items larger that a post-it note and that the peacock feathers inserted into her behind were less that 7m long and 5cm thick.