Monday, June 21, 2010

The Bangus Letters

Hey Bangus. Is it really the end of the world as we know it or is that bald guy from REM just a wacko? Either way, me and my friends had an apocalypse-themed party but the more people drank the more giggly they got so the party didn’t seem very bleak. Anyway, I threw up and went on a vandalism spree in, uh, well, maybe I’ll just skip that part. So, Bangus Online makes me proud to be Canadian and weird and from a small town.
Lucy Lightsup Confederation Township, ON

ED - Yes!

Dear Bangus - what’s with the typos? Me and my buddies sit around when most other people are living constructive lives and we count the typos. Whenever someone finds one, that person has to take a shot of rye. We’ve already lost one guy due to a blown liver. So, who the hell checks for typos? Eh? Ahhhrrrgghcagk. Excuse me, something weird just went down my windpipe. Are you guys still into voodoo?
Lots of love, Curtis H Swisha,PQ

ED - Mississississipppi Gary is the typoo guy. 

Hi Bangus. I bought a “Guns don’t kill people, dolphins kill people” sticker from Bangus, for my car. The animal hospital I was working for told me I had to remove it. They said it was in “poor taste” so I gave them the finger, and drove off. Thank you Bangus. I am now unemployed in the nation’s capital.
Erica (last name withheld)Ottawa, ON